I am by no stretch of the immagination a "granola" or "crunchy" mom. Actually, I'm a pretty lazy mom. I use disposable diapers because it's more convenient for me. I don't sleep with my 6 month-old; not because I think co-sleeping will harm my baby or cause SIDS, but because I like my sleep too much and sleeping with an infant isn't ideal for me. But, when it comes to breastfeeding I am a huge advocate. And I would be lying if I said it was strictly because breastfeeding is best for the baby. A big reason I love breastfeeding is the simplicity of it. No bottles to warm up. No formula to mix. Now, don't get me wrong; I love the bonding that comes with breastfeeding and of course the health benefits are fantastic. But just being able to lift up my shirt and calm my crying baby and give her nourishment is the best part!
I attended the Target Nurse-In today. There were about 20 moms there with me and it was really great to see a group of women who felt strongly enough about a common cause to gather together and say, "Breastfeeding is normal and natural". Honestly, I think there is something wrong with people who are "squeemish" about breastfeeding or have any sort of problems with a mother in the act of nursing. So, you might see a little boob. Big deal!
This is ok?
But this isn't?
I will never ask someone to eat their lunch in a dressing room or bathroom and I would ask for the same courtesy when it comes to feeding my baby. She shouldn't have to have her head covered while eating either. It's rude to put a blanket over someone's head when eating. I wouldn't like it and she doesn't either.
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